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May 14, 2024

Under the hood: Exploring Polyfication's Journey with core-js

Polyfication is at the heart of ensuring seamless compatibility of JavaScript code across environments. Under the hood, core-js dynamically determines which polyfills are needed to augment features not supported by browsers. This behind-the-scenes magic allows developers to write modern JavaScript code with confidence, knowing that it will perform consistently across platforms.

January 20, 2024

Tanstack Router: Harnessing TypeScript's Power for Revolutionary Routing

Explore how @tanstack/router transforms web development with its full type-safe approach. Learn about its innovative use of interfaces and 'declare module', ensuring a perfectly tailored routing experience based on your project's configuration.

December 5, 2023

Better developper experience with full typesafe helper functions

When you build a library, you want your code to be fully type safe and provide to developpers the best experience possible. Unfortunately, sometimes it can be tricky to provide this full type safety. Let's see a tip to do it with an example.

November 16, 2022

React Hook Form: a unique implementation

Forms are used everyday. Some library exists to improve both user and developper experience. `react-hook-form` is one of this library focusing on performance. Let's deep dive to this library.

January 26, 2022

When to use useCallback?

Are you wondering when to use `useCallback`? I propose you my vision about it. And of course how it's implemented :)

December 29, 2021

use-context-selector demystified

In the React context performance I talked about the `use-context-selector`, but how does it work under the hood?

November 10, 2021

React context, performance?

React context is used by many libraries such as `react-router`, `react-query`, ... But what is it? How do we use it? What about the performances?

January 21, 2021

Prevent useless re-render

It can happen that performances are degraded. One of the possible reason can be that you have useless re-render. We are gonna focus, in this article, to see how to prevent useless re-render.

December 22, 2020

Javascript memoization

In this article, we are gonna explore how to do memoization in javascript.