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Javascript Under the hood React Typescript Infrastructure Web API Performance Animation CSS
June 28, 2023

Serverless function cold start is too slow, let's dockerize our app

In an application I built, I couldn't use edge function. Unfortunately, serverless function are so slow to start that I decided to dockerize my application and deploy it on my server.

April 5, 2023

React routing library with Navigation API

It's now time to connect the agnostic routing library that uses the navigation API to React.

February 8, 2023

Master the Art of Navigation: Building a Library with the Navigation API

Now that we know what is the navigation API. Let's build a routing library agnostic of every framework.

December 19, 2022

Back to the future: Navigation API

The new navigation API is coming. Ryan Florence said in a github issue that it will help to a better implementation for `react-router`. Let's explore this new API.

November 24, 2021

Web Storage API: localStorage and sessionStorage

Sometimes, you would like to store some data in the browser. Here is the Web Storage API that can make you happy. But what is it? And how to use it?

August 4, 2021

Let's explore javascript's Location and History API

The goal is to understand how works the Location and History API to implement a `react-router` library like.