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January 12, 2022
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Are you a fan of console.log when you debug (instead of using debugger)? Or you want to make better logging for your scripts / applications?

You are in the right place! In this article, I am going to show you some console methods that you probably don’t know that are going to make your logs better :)

Okay, I’m sure you know this one. But did you know you can stylize your text. You can do this by putting %c and defining the style in the following parameter (inline css format) before the text you want to stylize.

  '%c This is a stylized text',
  'color:red;text-decoration: underline;',

Stylized console log

  '%c This is a red text %c and a blue text',

Log with multiple colors

How many times when doing React you wanted to see how many times a component renders? Yep you can see it with the React Developper Tools but it’s not enough quick for me :) So you can make a counter thanks to console.count:

function MyComponent() {
  console.count('Render counter');

  return <p>A simple component</p>;

console.count example

If you want to display an error message when a specific assertion is false you can use console.assert:

const useMyContext = () => {
  const myContextValues = useContext(MyContext);

  // You probably want to throw an error if it happens
  // It's only an example
    myContextValue === undefined,
    'useMyContext has to be used below MyProvider',

  return myContextValues;

console.assert example

console.dir allows you to show a better description of objects. For example when you console.log a function it will only stringify the function, but with console.dir it will show you all properties:

function myMethod() {}


console.dir example

If you have a lot of logs, it can be difficult to keep track of all these logs. Fortunately, console.group is here for you.

function myMethod() {
  console.group('My method optional label');

  console.log('Log that will be group');

  console.info('With this one');

  console.error('And this one too');

  console.groupEnd('My method optional label');


console.log('Outside log');

console.group example

If you want to display data inside a table, you can do it with console.table. The first parameter is the data to display (an array or object). The second one is the columns to display (optional parameter).

      name: 'First algo',
      duration: '3.2s',
      other: 'Hello',
      name: 'Second algo',
      duration: '4.1s',
      other: 'Guys and girls',
  ['name', 'duration'],

console.table example

When you want to see how long a method takes to run you can use performance.now() otherwise even easier console.time(), console.timeEnd() and console.timeLog():

function myMethod() {
  console.time('A label');

  // Do some process

  // If you want to log the time during the process
  console.timeLog('A label');

  // Other process

  // Will print how long the method takes to run
  console.timeEnd('A label');


console.time example

If you want to know where is called your function then console.trace is your friend and will display the stack trace:

function children() {
  console.trace('Optional message');
function parent() {


console.trace example

You can find me on Twitter if you want to comment this post or just contact me. Feel free to buy me a coffee if you like the content and encourage me.